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User since April 24, 2014

Location: Bay Area, California, US

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  • Simple as a Sandwich

    Danville Station Firehouse Bar & Grill, Danville, CA
    Suburbs, in my experience, are hosts for those seeking simple, sound lifestyles. Also according to my experience, the best type of meal to have in a given environment is one that reflects its atmos…    Read more
  • Berry Good

    Susina Bakery, Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
    Bread pudding has never really been my thing, but that all changed last night. At 10:11 PM on a Saturday, I ditched a standard Saturday night of bar crawling, to instead feed my curiosity towards w…    Read more
  • Pining for Pork

    1146 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, CA 90291
    Pork has such an undeserved bad reputation. I always feel like I shouldn't share with others that I wouldn't mind eating a pulled pork sandwich for at least two of my daily meals from now until ete…    Read more

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