This week, Eat Your World turns one year old. And while we’d like to say that we cut our teeth sometime between our write-up in the New York Times last January, publishing what’s likely the first-ever guide to Sierra Leonean food and travel this summer, and releasing our first eBook on last week, there is so very much more we’d like to do and accomplish in the coming year—beyond continuing our mission to document and celebrate the world’s regional foods, destination by destination (we’re up to 125+ cities total now, 36 of which are covered in depth by EYW staff). Like what, you ask?
--Launch a new “filter by restaurant” function (coming in January!)
--Build a mobile site that allows users to more easily access EYW content and upload photos directly from their smartphones
--Create lots more destination guides for Kindle (coming up next: Istanbul, Amsterdam, New York City, Oaxaca)
--Launch our charitable arm,
--Launch an educational component for use in classrooms
--Build up a stable of writers for the EYW Blog and select destination coverage
--Offer more contests with better prizes (like the one we’re offering our subscribers tomorrow—if you haven’t yet, sign up to get on this list!)
To top it all off, Eat Your World’s New York headquarters will be welcoming a new addition in early 2013, by which we mean a BABY. From what we can tell, he is already enjoying the wealth of cuisines his mom’s been feeding him in utero while he prepares for his grand entrance to this world—a vast, diverse, delicious world his parents hope to expose him to early and often.
Here’s to an exciting year ahead!
EYW founders Scott & Laura at a roadside teahouse in Turkey this fall