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User since October 4, 2012

Location: London, London, GB

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  • Junk food - Taiwanese style

    Chutung, Taiwan
    First encountered on the drive back from a three-day hike in the mountains of northern Taiwan--probably no meal has ever tasted so good. A street cart displays a wide range of edibles: (pre-batte…    Read more
  • The (not so) humble cucumber

    Any train in India
    Most people who've travelled much in India agree that train is the way to's cheap, relatively functional and a great way to interact with this amazing country even as you zip from…    Read more
  • The older the better in Amsterdam

    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    I come from the UK and I like my cheese strong. Cheddar should be extra mature, and no, the orange stuff they sell in the States is not it. Stilton should be extra mouldy, camembert extra stinky. S…    Read more
  • Smokey Mountain breakfast

    Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
    America is the breakfast capital of the world. I have been lucky enough to breakfast all over but will happily nail my colours to the mast of pancakes, grits, biscuits and gravy (wait...scratch the…    Read more

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